4 October 2014

Hey. Yes, I'm talking to you.

I'm trying to figure out how it is possible that all these are not coincidences but we are virtually checking each other out.

Okay, I admit I read your blog posts, and I might not be welcomed, but this virtual world is an open site for all, right? Unless you limit your blogposts to only certain people. Well, so, at least, I am checking you out. And as soon as I found out that you update your blog frequently, much more frequent than I do, I tried to catch up with you.

That might not look appealing to you, 'cause you simply don't like me. To be frank, I'm ok with that. I just think in case it might be another way round, that I might stand a chance.

This post is the weirdest one I've ever written. Not many people are aware of the existence of this blog, and even if they do, they don't really know who's the person behind it. In the first place, what does "BH" even stand for? Blue skies for hawks? What a funny name one would come up with! 

Yes, and so if you do know the person behind this, you would somewhat know this post is meant for you. And for that, I am going to say to you, hey, I like you, in a friendly way. Even though as I recall back to those times we barely knew each other, and yes, we still know very little of each other, you were not quite a friendly person. But I want to make known to you that even if you are tough, and you are not fun to mess around with, that's ok. That doesn't change the fact that I like you, based on what I learn from reading your posts. 'Cause you don't cry about having lost your relationships, you don't backstab, at least I don't have a clue even if you did.

And many other reasons, tough being one of them, haha.

I realized the other day: despite the fact that we are physically in the same time zone, the setting of our posts are not virtually in the same time zone. Why would I even care about such insignificant details you were asking? 'Cause the timing is often a good tip-off to check things out. So even if you don't care or don't know what I'm talking about here, I just want to let this out, I don't know why.

I saw a line, from the dictionary I installed on my phone, today:

One of the reasons I was put on this earth was for our paths to cross. (from Homeland).

Maybe yes, and maybe no, cause I thought so, too, when I was younger. I had my eyes set on someone else, too captivated until I could not care less of anyone else. But it turned out in vain. You were around, too. I was too young to appreciate people and things different from what I idealize. Going to college and entering university changed my perception towards a lot of things, love, particularly. The more I get in touch with my brethren, and the more I understand about them, the more I wanted to be alone.

I enjoy reading your posts, in spite of the fact that by mentioning 'you' here all the while, you may still not know who you are, and you might not even see this post, it's what I really wanted to tell you. I like you posts, I like your taste, I like you.

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